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Hello !

I'm a Game Design student in 3rd years at the IIM Digital School.


Level Designer  and Game Designer in the making, I find a real passion into these discipline. 

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I want to create worlds, within a team. I learned that teaming up with other game makers is a great way to improve and most importantly get feedbacks. 


What I found so interesting about designing games is that they are no boundaries to your knowledge. Depending on what game you’re making, all sorts knowledge can turn out to be very useful. I always keep in mind that there is not only one proper way to build a level. And thus, iteration is my best friend.




At IIM, I learn to work in a team and develop my skills in all areas related to Game Design. I was able to have courses in Game Design, Level Design, narration, Sound Design and many more.


I am always looking for new opportunities. Contact me.

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